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Who’s Aware of the $1000 SafeWork Rebate for NSW Small Businesses?

Who know’s that NSW Small Businesses can claim a $1000 rebate via SafeWork NSW for costs / equipment related to improving Health & Safety?

The rebate has been in place for some years now but if anyone is not familiar with this then the link is shared here as many are eligible & not taking advantage of this.

SafeWork NSW have a complete list of Health & Safety items that are eligible under the scheme. Naturally anything dust related, ie Dust Suppression equipment is on the list. It’s probably time the amount was reviewed and increased also especially now with all the awareness & increased regulations & requirements associated with working with any materials containing crystalline silica.

So if a $1000 government rebate is appealing then do yourself and your workers a favour and find out more. It’s via SafeWork in NSW, there will probably be similar schemes in the other states. 

A quick lesson on what to look out for when comparing dust suppression systems.

Basically the finer the water/mist droplet size the better job it will do as a cloud of millions of tiny droplets filling up a space will get a lot more coverage and take out tiny airborne dust particles more efficiently & effectively than wetting via traditional methods. This is because the water droplets coming out of a hose, sprinkler or low pressure system are many many times bigger in comparison, with greater spaces between them.

Eligible Items List A-Z: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/1000-safework-small-business-rebate/eligible-safety-items#list-by-a-z

OZmist’s dust suppression systems are based around high pressure pumps, that run at 1000psi / 70 bar, which creates level of pressure required to get the mist fine enough to encapsulate the fugitive airborne dust particles.

Get in touch with us if you’d like to know more!




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